In 1937, twenty-nine farmers in St. Malo, with the help of local clergy, incorporated the very first financial cooperative in Manitoba. Little did they know the incredible legacy they would be setting in motion. Today, Caisse employs over 240 people and has over 35,000 members – that’s twice the seating capacity of Winnipeg’s Canada Life Centre and then some! With 19 branch locations and over 1.8 billion in assets, Caisse is recognized as one of Manitoba’s Top Employers in 2022.

Not every company has the privilege or honour of reaching the outstanding milestone that is 85 years of business. To mark this momentous occasion, we are launching content and activities throughout this year, reflecting the anniversary:
• Our 85th anniversary logo
• A short video detailing some of the milestones and events that have shaped Caisse
• A coloring contest for kids
• The return of Caisse Day on June 15 (which took a hiatus during the pandemic)
• More yet to come…
And finally, another legacy of our anniversary is what you are reading now, the Communi-Caisse newsletter and blog, which will extend well beyond 2022. The goal is to create an additional point of contact with you, our members, making sure we keep you up to date on the latest goings-on at Caisse. We will be communicating exclusive offers and contests and sharing insights on financial literacy. All this so that you can make, with our help and guidance, better-informed decisions regarding your finances.
In closing, since the traditional gift for an 85th anniversary is wine, I’d like to raise my proverbial wine glass and say to all members and employees:
The past is history, the future is a mystery, but today is a gift because it’s the present. Long-life to Caisse!

CEO of Caisse Financial Group